What is the GV Solo Festival?
It is an opportunity for Garnet Valley band, orchestra, voice and piano students in grades 5-12 to perform a solo piece for written feedback by two professional music adjudicators. Participating students will perform in a private room for two adjudicators (not in front of an audience), and will receive written feedback as well as participation recognition. Several outstanding performers will be selected for special recognition and MAY be selected to perform in our 2020 Garnet Valley Music Gala Concert on March 22.
What is the Purpose?
To encourage all students to pursue individual improvement and excellence in music
To provide students with an opportunity to show their progress and receive recognition for their work.
To provide students with feedback and encouragement on their progress.
Who Can Participate?
All students in grades 5-12 who are enrolled in band, orchestra, choir, or private music lessons on piano. (Students 4th grade and below are permitted to participate with the recommendation of a private teacher).
How Does it Work?
Students select a solo to prepare. All music selections must be in the traditional band/orchestra/choral repertoire, under 5 minutes (may be a portion of a longer piece), and approved by the GV Solo Festival Committee.
How to select music:
Your school music teacher will recommend a piece for you
Your private teacher can recommend a piece for you
Your piece must be in the traditional “concert” repertoire. Pop songs are not appropriate for this venue.
Students must practice their music thoroughly and be prepared to perform confidently on the date of the festival. Private lessons are encouraged, though not required.
Students will be assigned a performance slot, between the hours of 9am - 2pm on the festival performance date. Students must report to GV Middle School at least 30 minutes early to register, warm-up, and rehearse with the piano accompanist* (see details about piano accompanists below). Though there are no specific dress code requirements, performers are expected to dress nicely.
On Sat, Feb 22, students will perform the solo in a classroom in front of two certified music teachers. The adjudicators will provide written feedback. Outstanding students will be selected for special recognition.
*Piano Accompanists will be provided for all students playing beginner or intermediate-level solos. For more advanced solos, students may arrange for their own piano accompanist, or play the solo unaccompanied.
Registration fees:
- Solo performer - $25
Performing two solos $40 (students who play two instruments, such as piano and trumpet, may choose to perform a solo on each)
Checks payable to “Quarter Note Club” . Please submit your check with your child's name on it and submit in an envelope to your school music teacher, or mail to:
Dr. Selfridge, Band Director
Garnet Valley High School
552 Smithbridge Rd
Glen Mills PA 19342
Your registration fee provides funding for our judges, accompanists, and equipment for the day.