Welcome New Band Members!
We are excited to have you as part of the band! Whether you are an incoming 9th grader, a current high school student, or recently moved to GV, we welcome you and can't wait for you to join us. On this page, we will give you all the information you need to get started in our band program.
Why Join the Band?
In case you missed it, here is our 2020 highlight video of why you should join the band!
New Band Members (and chorus/orchestra) can join the 2021 Hawaii Trip! Click below to enlarge

New Band Member Checklist
1) Be sure that Band is on your course schedule
To participate in Marching Band or Concert Band, you must be signed up for the Band/Chorus/Orchestra period on your school course schedule, or Percussion Ensemble class. (Exceptions are made only for Color Guard and other specific circumstances, talk to Dr. Selfridge if you have questions).
2) Sign up for your CHARMS Student/Parent Profile
CHARMS is our band database software that we use for communication, calendar, finances, and much more. It is very important that all new band members activate their member profile and enter as much information as possible. Here's how: GO TO http://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/parents.asp ENTER CODE: GVHSBand
- First time accessing your account, enter the your Garnet Valley Student ID# (five digits).
- Create a password that both student and parents will use to access.
- Complete all of the personal information in your student profile (This information will not be shared outside of the Charms system or with anyone other than the music staff and QNC.)
- PLEASE ADD PARENT INFO AS WELL: Click "Add Adult" to add parents/guardians with email contacts to the student account. This is very important to ensure that parents receive all information that we send out.
3) Sign up for Text Updates - text @bandgvhs to 81010
Students and Parents should sign up to receive text updates. While most band announcements will be sent out via CHARMS email, occasionally there is a need to get important information out quickly. This might be a last-minute change due to weather, a very important reminder, or a message to parents that the band is on its way home from a trip. Please sign up for text updates by texting the phrase @bandgvhs to the phone number 81010
4) Save these important dates.
These important dates are the start to our new band season. Our full schedule will be posted soon on the CHARMS calendar.
8/15/2020 Freshman/New Member Orientation 9am-11am
8/17/2020 Band Camp Week ONE 2pm - 9:30pm Monday-Friday (dinner provided)
8/24/2020 Band Camp Week TWO 2pm - 9:30pm Monday-Thursday (dinner provided)
8/27/2020 Parent Meeting / Slideshow / Show Preview 7pm
8/28/2020 Football Opener - Downingtown. approx 5pm-10pm