GVHS Music Department Spring Concert
Mon, May 24, 2021
(rain date 5-26)
GVHS Stadium
The GVHS Music Department will present an outdoor concert on Monday, May 24 at the Moe DeFrank Stadium at Garnet Valley High School. The concert will include performances by the Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Color Guard, and Drumline.
Due to current health protocols, audience seating is limited. Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen are permitted 2 guests each. Seniors are permitted 4 guests. All Spectators must pre-register here: https://forms.gle/MmSz1NZP8DDxS8WF7
Seating will be in the stadium home stands and on the grassy areas next to the stands. All groups must maintain social distance and wear masks at all times. Thank you for your cooperation!
Call time: Be at the stadium at 5:30pm. Arrive earlier if you need to get your instrument/equipment/folder from the building.
Attire: Wear nice, “springy” clothes (no jeans, sneakers or t-shirts). Remember: We will be outdoors, possibly windy, on the turf.
Where to Report: All students will report to the stadium.
Band: End Zone near snack shack
Chorus: front center Track (home stands)
Orchestra: Visitor Sideline
What to Bring: Instrument, Sheet Music in binder (with sheet protectors for Band/Orchestra)
Spectators/Audience: Seating will be in the stadium home stands. Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen are permitted 2 guests each. Seniors are permitted 4 guests. All Spectators must pre-register here: https://forms.gle/MmSz1NZP8DDxS8WF7
Family groups must maintain social distancing in the stands, and masks must be worn at all times. Groups are also free to use the grassy areas next to the home stands.
Student Instructions for Concert:
All students will sit distanced along the track and will watch each group perform. Keep your instrument with you at your spot.
When it is your turn to take the field, your teachers will show you where to stand/set-up
