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Band Banquet Fri, June 1 - Get your tickets now!

Band students - Please join us for a night of food, music & celebration for a great Band Year, as well as a night to wish our Seniors well as they start a new chapter in their lives!

Complete the ticket order form here and place in the lockbox in the band room.

Seating is limited. First preference will go to Seniors, their parents and all other band & guard students; then we will open it up to everyone, including non-Senior parents. Everyone, including non-Senior parents, interested in attending the banquet, should send in an order form and we will send you a confirmation on the status of room availability. We will not deposit any checks until you have received an e-mail confirmation stating there is room for you to attend.

Cost per ticket is as follows:



Parents & Non-Senior Students.……..…$30

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